Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Vodka, Thrasher and Pita

A friend advises me that the "not yet identified bird" in the photo below is a Curve-billed Thrasher. I think he's probably right, but I'll try to get another look if the bird shows up again, to confirm.

I had a quick lunch today at Focaccia Fiorentina. As usual, I chose the "two pasta special", which they serve in a single bowl. Focaccia is one of the top three or so Copper Square lunch options as far as quality of food is concerned. It's no-frills all the way at $8.00 for the pasta, a roll and a Coke assembled as you shuffle down the cafeteria-style line, but the pasta and sauces are as good as you could want. The pasta is always filling, the sauces are very tasty, and nothing in the mix of it all is prone to cause indigestion... which I can't say about the specials at a couple other Copper Square "hot spots."

We had dinner at Sabuddy in Tempe on our last night with guests, P&L. I had a perfectly fine falafel, but seriously wished I had chosen the lamb special after it arrived for one member of our party, who offered tasting samples to the table. Mental note: try it next time.

I did not ride this morning. Pure sloth in a hectic week. I need to get out there tomorrow, though, and just do it. In theory, I have committed to a 26-mile ride/race on April 2, to "formally" get back into this sport I played hookey from for... 15 years?

My parents and two of my siblings arrive this weekend for a one-week visit. We're really looking forward to this. Naturally, at work there's now talk that I may need to travel out-of-state next week...


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