Saturday, April 09, 2005

Zabrek is Whipped

Zabrek has been sitting around on his butt lately, doing virtually nothing (thank you, thank you... I'm here all week). What gives, oh mighty hunter of semi-imaginary beasts?

By the way, since a number of you have asked (that number being "two"), I did NOT do the bike ride on April 2. Lame, huh. We had been so busy at home, and at work, and we'd been rotating through colds and flus, I just could not see getting up early that morning to pay $70 to wearily circumnavigate a mountain with a runny nose. Or even one without. Zing! Good night everybody!


Blogger Scott said...

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7:10 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

You're a riot.

7:11 AM  

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