Sunday, May 15, 2005

Bless the Furry Monsters and the Children

The big family outing this weekend was the grand opening of the new Sesame Street exhibit at the Arizona Science Center. It is a fantastic exhibit for kids and my daughter was bouncing off the walls for a solid two hours before we tricked her to the exit by way of the gift shop. She now owns an Elmo backpack. Not sure what she'll put in it. Doesn't really matter.

Getting to the ribbon-cutting ceremony on time meant ducking out of work at about 5:00 to meet the family. That's between five and seven hours earlier than I was able to leave work any other day this past week, so it felt pretty glorious. Daylight. Wow.

Saturday and Sunday were very laid-back and low key. Played with the young'un. Finished re-reading Hitchikers' Guide. I had forgotten how the first book ends, ah, nowhere, and with next-to-nothing accomplished. I haven't been able to duck out to see the movie yet. Maybe we'll get a sitter and make it a date night soon.

Stumbled across a web site worth noting... Now, those guys have a sense of humor...


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