Monday, September 05, 2005

Who Are You People, Anyway?

My theory is that five people read this blog. Scottomobile and afullzip comment from time to time, so, those two are easy. Mom, I know you check things out here from time to time as well. So that is three. Four is Dad, who I think checks periodically, and gets the highlights from Mom. Five is ldsdfw. I enjoy knowing that you folks watch this space for periodic blasts of micronews.

$5 prize to the first person who knows me and reads this and chimes in to let me know. (You five "regulars", no tipping anyone off.).

$10 prize to the first total stranger who reads this and chimes in. U.S. Funds only, U.S. Mailing addresses only, no psychos and no terrorists. Offer expires in 14 days. "Chime in" by leaving a comment on this post. Then I'll announce that we have a winner and we'll figure out some ingenius way to deliver the prize.


Blogger Scott said...

Do I get $5 or $10 or something? (Ooh, a word verification now. Fancy.)

5:15 AM  
Blogger Genki na Pengin said...

No way man. You're part of the inner circle of regular readers. No cash for you.

8:33 PM  

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