Saturday, October 29, 2005

Let's Speak Frankly About This

After thinking it for weeks, I simply blurted it out to my wife last night during Sesame Street.

"I don't think this guy can stand these kids one bit," I said.

"I so totally agree," my wife responded.

So, we agreed, Allen -- the "Mr. Hooper replacement," to those of us in our 30's -- seriously looks like about 10% of him likes his job and the other 90% is barely-concealed rage. We could be 100% wrong, but we can't really imagine him interacting with the kids at all when the cameras are off.

We agreed that Bob and Luis are the most pure-hearted and genuinely "there." Bob is rarely ever on the show anymore, by the way, and Luis is on only once in a while. Maria is on fairly regularly, and she's good. We disagree about Gordon. I think he's cool, my wife thinks he's actually more like Allen. Gabi seems genuine. We agreed the deaf woman who used to be on the show seemed genuine. We like both Mr. Noodles, but obviously prefer the younger one (because he's the "third guy" in the "Don't Worry Be Happy" video). The new blonde woman seems genuine.

So, although we feel bad saying it, we really just don't think we trust Allen. I'm sure he's a good person. We just don't think he actually likes kids.


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