Monday, September 12, 2005

It's Been One Week Since You Looked at Me

So, last week at this time I was blogging on my Blackberry from inside an Indian restaurant in the suburbs of Phoenix, belly-aching about how sad my life is because I never applied myself to learning the names of the components of an Indian meal. Sad.

This week I am blogging to you from inside a Spanish restaurant in the suburbs of Phoenix, feeling alive because I am about to eat paella for the first time. Oh, so alive.

Hmm. Pretty tasty.

This place is actually very nice. Not sure Allstate is going to reimburse me for this $22 entree. But several nights during this ozone-induced sabbatical from normality I haven't been hungry, haven't eaten, thus have no receipts to submit to the good hands people. Surely they can splurge with me tonight? Si?

This place is actually quite empty. Monday nights are slow, I'm told. Live music Tuesday through Sunday. Hopping on the weekends.

O.K. Gotta focus on the meal. But before I go, I gotta throw up the quote of the day from Church yesterday. I wasn't going to, but I gotta. I wanted to blog it right as it happened. Tried to be good. I give up. Here goes. Freshly minted R.M.:

"In any other country, Joseph Smith would have been killed."

Good night, folks!


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