Many readers have written in to ask how things are going with the
old timey push mower we bought last spring. (See entry dated April 23, 2005.) It's fair to say that purchase did not turn out to be the sort of purchase that put a problem "to bed." The mower works OK, but it does tend to jam up in certain parts of the yard, even when we have not let the grass go too long without being cut. That, plus the blisters on the thumbs, plus the sheer misery of pushing it around when the temps are north of 100 degrees, have made me regret taking the old timey push mower approach to our lawn care. I threw up my hands, to some extent, several weeks ago. Not wanting me to cave in and buy a "real" mower or hire a service, my wife has taken the initiative to mow the lawn herself. This makes me feel like a bit of a chump. The past few weeks, especially, I kept telling her I would do it the next time, but then she always went ahead and did it.
This morning, I woke up as usual a couple hours before wife and daughter. I rolled right out of bed to start on the lawn before they woke up and before it got too hot. Right away, the mower started to jam up. I persevered for a while (not a very long while), and then said to myself, "[Gosh Darn] it, I'm going to buy a proper mower and put this grief to rest."
I zipped off to Lowe's, unshowered, teeth not brushed, etc. Scoped out the power mowers. Identified winning choice. Got husband feet and decided I should not make the purchase without obtaining wife's consent. Slumped shoulders in something like defeat, and slinked off to locate hedge trimmers.
Just then, I spotted a friend I know from my professional life. We compared notes and related the details of the homefront maladies that had us both at Lowe's at 8:00 a.m. She was rushing to a meeting but hoping to buy a coffee maker. She offered to give me her power mower, which she said she didn't need at her new house. I offered to pitch in toward the cost of a super-deluxe coffee maker to make the mower transaction a little less one-sided. She said of course not. She ultimately couldn't settle on a coffee maker so she made a call to her home telling them to expect me, gave me her address, and zipped off to her meeting.
I felt I had to do something to even the score a bit. After all, the mower she was giving me was worth somewhere around $200, as far as I could guess. So, I doubled back to Lowe's and bought her the super-deluxe coffee maker. (As super-deluxe as they carry at Lowe's, anyway.) I sped off to her house, delivered the coffee maker to them as if she had asked me to just run it home for her, and collected the mower.
I think the point of this story is that (a) my friend is very nice, and (b) I have no idea what I am doing with my life if this is the most exciting thing I have to blog about.